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Client Form

Client Onboarding Form - TempleFit

About You

Post Code
Does Your Occupation Include Any Long Periods Of:
How Often Do You Exercise Per Week?

Your Goals

What Do You Think Has Prevented You From Achieving These Goals?
4. Where will you be in six months from now if you don’t do anything to achieve your goals?
Do You Think There Will Be Any Barriers to You Reaching Your Goals?
When Are You Ready To Get Started On Achieving Your Goals?
What Do You Wish To Achieve?
Is There A Specific Body Part You Would Like To Focus On?

Your Health

How Would You Rate Your Health & Fitness Right Now??
0 - Poor - Needs Work
10 - Spot On
Do You Have Any Specific Medical Conditions Or Health Concerns?
Have You Ever Been Diagnosed With Any Chronic Illness Or Condition?
Are You Currently Taking Any Medications Or Supplements?
Have You Ever Undergone Surgery Or Had Any Significant Injury?
Do You Have Any Physical Limitation or Restrictions?
Have You, Or A Direct Relative, Ever Experienced The Following?
Have You Discussed Training With Your GP and Been Cleared?

Your Nutrition

Are You Currently Following A Specific Diet?
How Many Times In The Past Have You Been On A Diet?
Do You Have Any Food Alergies, Intolerance or Diet Restrictions?

Your Life

Do You Consume/Take:
Do You Have Any Problems Falling Or Staying Asleep?
How many Hours Of Sleep Do You Get Each Night, On Average?

Your Coaching

Have You Ever Worked With A Coach Before?
How Many Days A Week Can You Realistically Commit To Training?
What Does Best Suit Your Schedule?
What Time Of Day Best Suits Your Schedule
Are You Interested in Tracking Your Results?
What Would You Like To Track?
Start Over

Congratulations on completing the form! Thank you for taking the time and effort to give us your feedback. Your contribution is extremely valuable to me, and I appreciate your willingness to share your thoughts and opinions. I’m thrilled to gain a deeper understanding of what you are seeking, and I will use this knowledge to create a program tailored to your needs.

As a thank you for your participation, I have a special gift for you! Click the download button to claim your freebie.

Thank you again for your excellent work! I look forward to working with you to make your vision a reality.


Temple Fitness

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